Bankruptcy Attorney


Talk To Us About Your Options:

We always tell potential clients to talk to us first to see if bankruptcy is in their best interest. The consultation is always free. Talk with Attorney Robert Simonian or Attorney Anthony Bucacci in private and in total confidentiality to see if filing bankruptcy in Massachusetts is right for you.

We can almost always come up with a solution to your financial problem. We have filed over 10,000 cases in the past 26 years and there are very few scenarios that we have not seen. We are known for our hard work, diligence, creativity and problem solving abilities. Often we are the bankruptcy attorneys other attorneys come to with difficult cases. Call today to see what we can do for you and what options are available. Often people believe they are the only ones with financial problems and are embarrassed of their situation. This is simply not true and many famous people have had to file for bankruptcy to get a fresh start.

Why Call Bucacci & Simonian:

We are known as one of the best bankruptcy attorneys in Southeastern Massachusetts serving the Bristol County and Plymouth County areas. Please inquire with anyone as to our reputation. Reputation is everything and we are very proud of ours. We have received numerous awards from various agencies and courts including the Bankruptcy Court in Boston, Massachusetts.

Using our knowledge and skill we have had several clients complete their five year Chapter 13 bankruptcy plans where they own their home FREE & CLEAR OF MORTGAGES. We understand how important it is to save clients’ homes from foreclosure, keep their cars from being repossessed and stop creditors from suing them and attaching their wages or attempting to seize their assets. This can be stopped almost instantly and we make every effort to be very available to your clients and can accommodate emergency situations. One of our most famous cases involved saving a clients’s multi-family home.

What to Avoid:

Do not attempt to file for bankruptcy on your own. You can make your situation much, much worse. If the bankruptcy petition is not correct you could lose your home, your car or possessions or you could be asked to file a different kind of bankruptcy where you have to make monthly payments when it could have been avoided. If you are not properly represented a bankruptcy trustee may foreclose on your house, allow your car to be repossessed, seize a tax refund or other assets. You could file under the wrong chapter, apply the wrong exemptions, fail to file all of the necessary forms or not understand the significance of important forms.

Protect Yourself:

Call us today for a free and complete bankruptcy consultation. We can protect you from your creditors and protect your home, cars, jewelry and other assets. Creditors and collection lawyers have a job to do and it may seem that they are heartless and will take anything they can from you. They are represented and you should be too. Call us today. The Federal Bankruptcy Court indicated that seeking the advice of a qualified attorney is strongly recommended.

Fall River MA | New Bedford MA | Raynahm MA | Seekonk MA | Somerset MA | Swansea MA | Taunton MA | Westport MA

Car Loan Payments | Collection Agencies | Common Questions About Filing Bankruptcy | Credit Card Debt | Delinquency Notices | Eviction | Filing Chapter 7 | Filing Chapter 13 | Financial Hardship | Foreclosure | Overdue Bills | Repossession | Sheriff Sale | Student Loan Debt | Tax Liens | Wage Garnishment

Protect Your Assets in Bankruptcy

You can protect your assets in bankruptcy.  Sometimes it is tempting for a debtor in bankruptcy to hide assets from the bankruptcy trustee and court.  This means not including them in the schedule of assets or schedule of exemptions and not telling the trustee about them. This is usually when an asset is important to a debtor. It may be because they think nobody knows about it and think they can hide it from the bankruptcy trustee.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy filers tempted to leave out assets of the bankruptcy schedules should reconsider. A requirement is full disclosure.  Listing all property is a requirement.  You must swear to this.  Also they must take an oath at the meeting of creditors. If you haven’t disclosed all of your assets you will commit perjury.

Maintaining The Assets You Have

Penalties for committing perjury include time in prison and or fines. Also, the bankruptcy trustee will seize the asset and liquidate it to pay your creditors. Amending the schedule of exemptions to apply exemptions toward the concealed assets is not likely if you purposely did not disclose the asset.  It is never advisable to hide an asset.

Telling the bankruptcy court that you told your attorney about the asset but the attorney said it didn’t have to be listed usually does not work.  It usually does not work to say the lawyer forgot to list the asset. You must read and sign a disclosure.  This states that you are aware that it is illegal to hide or not disclose assets.  Attorneys should review the bankruptcy petition with you to make sure all assets are listed.

Bankruptcy debtors do not have the right to dismiss their bankruptcy case because they don’t want to complete the process. Once bankruptcy proceedings have begun, the debtor must show good cause for dismissing the case. Trustees that find concealed assets are not likely to dismiss a case.

Asset Exemptions

The only legal way to protect assets in bankruptcy from Chapter 7 bankruptcy liquidation is to apply one of the many available exemptions toward the asset. State and federal law allow bankruptcy debtors to keep certain types and quantities of assets after a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

There are a number of exemptions in under Massachusetts bankruptcy law to protect your property and assets.  The bankruptcy exemptions are generous and very rarely does anyone lose property.

Use of bankruptcy exemptions allows an experienced bankruptcy attorney to protect all of your assets.  Almost all cases have property that is fully protected.  The bankruptcy exemptions are generally very generous and are enough to protect people’s assets in most cases.  Chapter 13 bankruptcy protects assets not protected in chapter 7.  This allows one to keep the asset.

If you’re considering filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy call a bankruptcy lawyer.  Let an experienced bankruptcy attorney help you identify legal strategies for keeping those assets. In Massachusetts bankruptcy attorney Robert Simonian and bankruptcy Anthony Bucacci can help you keep your assets.  We can resolve their debt and insolvency issues in Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Call Bucacci & Simonian at 508-673-9500 or visit our website at


Talk To Us About Your Options:

We always tell potential clients to talk to us first to see if bankruptcy is in their best interest. The consultation is always free. Talk with Attorney Robert Simonian or Attorney Anthony Bucacci in private and in total confidentiality to see if filing bankruptcy in Massachusetts is right for you.

We can almost always come up with a solution to your financial problem. We have filed over 10,000 cases in the past 26 years and there are very few scenarios that we have not seen. We are known for our hard work, diligence, creativity and problem solving abilities. Often we are the bankruptcy attorneys other attorneys come to with difficult cases. Call today to see what we can do for you and what options are available. Often people believe they are the only ones with financial problems and are embarrassed of their situation. This is simply not true and many famous people have had to file for bankruptcy to get a fresh start.

Why Call Bucacci & Simonian:

We are known as one of the best bankruptcy attorneys in Southeastern Massachusetts serving the Bristol County and Plymouth County areas. Please inquire with anyone as to our reputation. Reputation is everything and we are very proud of ours. We have received numerous awards from various agencies and courts including the Bankruptcy Court in Boston, Massachusetts.

Using our knowledge and skill we have had several clients complete their five year Chapter 13 bankruptcy plans where they own their home FREE & CLEAR OF MORTGAGES. We understand how important it is to save clients’ homes from foreclosure, keep their cars from being repossessed and stop creditors from suing them and attaching their wages or attempting to seize their assets. This can be stopped almost instantly and we make every effort to be very available to your clients and can accommodate emergency situations. One of our most famous cases involved saving a clients’s multi-family home.

What to Avoid:

Do not attempt to file for bankruptcy on your own. You can make your situation much, much worse. If the bankruptcy petition is not correct you could lose your home, your car or possessions or you could be asked to file a different kind of bankruptcy where you have to make monthly payments when it could have been avoided. If you are not properly represented a bankruptcy trustee may foreclose on your house, allow your car to be repossessed, seize a tax refund or other assets. You could file under the wrong chapter, apply the wrong exemptions, fail to file all of the necessary forms or not understand the significance of important forms.

Protect Yourself:

Call us today for a free and complete bankruptcy consultation. We can protect you from your creditors and protect your home, cars, jewelry and other assets. Creditors and collection lawyers have a job to do and it may seem that they are heartless and will take anything they can from you. They are represented and you should be too. Call us today. The Federal Bankruptcy Court indicated that seeking the advice of a qualified attorney is strongly recommended.

Fall River MA | New Bedford MA | Raynahm MA | Seekonk MA | Somerset MA | Swansea MA | Taunton MA | Westport MA

Car Loan Payments | Collection Agencies | Common Questions About Filing Bankruptcy | Credit Card Debt | Delinquency Notices | Eviction | Filing Chapter 7 | Filing Chapter 13 | Financial Hardship | Foreclosure | Overdue Bills | Repossession | Sheriff Sale | Student Loan Debt | Tax Liens | Wage Garnishment

Medical Bills Massachusetts Bankruptcy

Medical bills and Massachusetts bankruptcy. The cost of healthcare in the United States has increased in recent years.  As a result, Americans have taken on large amounts of medical debts and bills that they cannot afford.  This affects Massachusetts residents.

This problem is bad.  Charities use donations to pay peoples medical debts. This means, charities buy the debts from medical providers so that the patients no longer owe money to the provider.

Medical bills and debt are a very big cause of bankruptcy for Americans

People need relief from these debts.  If charitable relief is not available then people often have to resort to filing bankruptcy. Medical providers often resort to hiring collection agencies.  For patients that are unable to pay medical debts are sued in court. Unfortunately for many, medical bills & Massachusetts bankruptcy go hand in hand.

Experts feel that this is an indication that our health care system is broken.  The cost of healthcare is very high.  The cost of medical insurance is very high.  The deductibles that people must pay are often very expensive.  Bankruptcy may be the only option for many patients that cannot pay their bills.

Approximately 21 million Americans have $46 billion of medical debt as of April 2021.  They face collections or lawsuits for the money owed.  If they cannot afford to pay then Americans and Massachusetts residents have to file bankruptcy due to medical debts.

Americans spend far more on health insurance than other countries compared to Germany and the Netherlands.  Healthcare is not affordable to many Americans.  As result of rising cost, people do not have medical insurance that meets their needs.  Some people have health insurance plans that they cannot afford.  The insurance premiums and deductibles exceed what their incomes allow them to pay.  Americans are pushed into bankruptcy because medical debts are overwhelming.  This can cause a lot of stress and concern. Many people do not have medical insurance.  A medical emergency will cause Massachusetts residents to file bankruptcy.

Quality health care is not affordable for an estimated 46 million Americans

Medical debts cause Massachusetts citizens to file for bankruptcy.  Emergency room visits account for a lot of medical debt.  Doctor visits and medical specialists account for a large portion of medical debt in America.  Childbirth and related medical expenses drive people into bankruptcy if they cannot afford the medical bills.  Dental care and related medical expenses cause people to file bankruptcy for the bills they cannot afford to pay.

There are many reasons that people file for bankruptcy. Medical expenses do have an effect on people’s financial situations.   Some financially responsible people have to file for bankruptcy. For others, the expenses are the final push over the financial cliff and into bankruptcy.  Call us today if you have questions about medical bills Massachusetts bankruptcy.

The debate over medical expense bankruptcy will continue for the foreseeable future.  Politicians spin the numbers to work for the votes they need.  Medical expenses influence people to file for bankruptcy in America.  Bankruptcy petitions include medical bills.  Bankruptcy discharges medical bills.  If you have questions about bankruptcy and medical bills that you can’t afford please visit our website.

Researchers disagree on the evidence for medical bills causing bankruptcies

The reasons for filing do not have to be stated when a debtor files for bankruptcy. As a result, estimates are based on surveys.  The answer will depend on how researchers phrase their questions, and how the survey respondents define the cause of their bankruptcy filing.

A variety of factors cause bankruptcies. Many people with medical debt have other debts like credit cards debts and personal loans. The low income, those without savings and loss of a job now trigger a bankruptcy filing. Medical bills & Massachusetts bankruptcy filings are related.

Medical debts are often unexpected and many Americans live paycheck to paycheck for a number of reasons including the economy in Massachusetts.  Unexpected or sudden medical bill causes problems in the financial lives of people.  This often leads to bankruptcy.  Many people are not aware that a particular hospital or medical provider was not part of their insurance plan.  As insurance companies deny insurance claims people file for bankruptcy.


Talk To Us About Your Options:

We always tell potential clients to talk to us first to see if bankruptcy is in their best interest. The consultation is always free. Talk with Attorney Robert Simonian or Attorney Anthony Bucacci in private and in total confidentiality to see if filing bankruptcy in Massachusetts is right for you.

We can almost always come up with a solution to your financial problem. We have filed over 10,000 cases in the past 26 years and there are very few scenarios that we have not seen. We are known for our hard work, diligence, creativity and problem solving abilities. Often we are the bankruptcy attorneys other attorneys come to with difficult cases. Call today to see what we can do for you and what options are available. Often people believe they are the only ones with financial problems and are embarrassed of their situation. This is simply not true and many famous people have had to file for bankruptcy to get a fresh start.

Why Call Bucacci & Simonian:

We are known as one of the best bankruptcy attorneys in Southeastern Massachusetts serving the Bristol County and Plymouth County areas. Please inquire with anyone as to our reputation. Reputation is everything and we are very proud of ours. We have received numerous awards from various agencies and courts including the Bankruptcy Court in Boston, Massachusetts.

Using our knowledge and skill we have had several clients complete their five year Chapter 13 bankruptcy plans where they own their home FREE & CLEAR OF MORTGAGES. We understand how important it is to save clients’ homes from foreclosure, keep their cars from being repossessed and stop creditors from suing them and attaching their wages or attempting to seize their assets. This can be stopped almost instantly and we make every effort to be very available to your clients and can accommodate emergency situations. One of our most famous cases involved saving a clients’s multi-family home.

What to Avoid:

Do not attempt to file for bankruptcy on your own. You can make your situation much, much worse. If the bankruptcy petition is not correct you could lose your home, your car or possessions or you could be asked to file a different kind of bankruptcy where you have to make monthly payments when it could have been avoided. If you are not properly represented a bankruptcy trustee may foreclose on your house, allow your car to be repossessed, seize a tax refund or other assets. You could file under the wrong chapter, apply the wrong exemptions, fail to file all of the necessary forms or not understand the significance of important forms.

Protect Yourself:

Call us today for a free and complete bankruptcy consultation. We can protect you from your creditors and protect your home, cars, jewelry and other assets. Creditors and collection lawyers have a job to do and it may seem that they are heartless and will take anything they can from you. They are represented and you should be too. Call us today. The Federal Bankruptcy Court indicated that seeking the advice of a qualified attorney is strongly recommended.

Fall River MA | New Bedford MA | Raynahm MA | Seekonk MA | Somerset MA | Swansea MA | Taunton MA | Westport MA

Car Loan Payments | Collection Agencies | Common Questions About Filing Bankruptcy | Credit Card Debt | Delinquency Notices | Eviction | Filing Chapter 7 | Filing Chapter 13 | Financial Hardship | Foreclosure | Overdue Bills | Repossession | Sheriff Sale | Student Loan Debt | Tax Liens | Wage Garnishment

Massachusetts Evictions Unpaid Rent Bankruptcy

How bankruptcy helps with evictions and unpaid rent in Massachusetts.

The eviction moratorium is ending and unpaid rents are due.  How does bankruptcy help?

Generally, in most cases, a person threatened with eviction can move to a new place, list the past due rent in a bankruptcy petition and wipe out the unpaid rent.

Most people qualify for a basic Chapter 7 bankruptcy. In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, tenants in debt and an evicted person can list their debts, including unpaid rents, and all of those debts are wiped out except for certain priority debts like taxes, criminal restitution, child support, alimony and student loans. Unpaid rents are the kind of debts that are wiped out.

The unpaid rent can also be wiped out in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy can help with evictions in Massachusetts for unpaid rent.  Here are a few different choices:

Eviction filing prepared before bankruptcy filed

Eviction proceedings not filed yet then property owners cannot evict a person for unpaid rent.  The bankruptcy automatic stay protects a renter from eviction for as long as it is in effect. When bankruptcy is filed before the eviction is filed a party  involved in an eviction is protected.  The landlord will need to file a motion to lift the automatic stay.  This would remove the bankruptcy protection and then the property owner can evict a tenant for unpaid rent. A renter would still owe rent for the time a tenant occupied the home after filing bankruptcy until the tenant moves out.

Move to new home then file bankruptcy

Example: rent has not paid due to the pandemic.  Tenant moves to a new home. Past due rent scheduled in the bankruptcy.  Unpaid rent subject to bankruptcy discharge. Fees subject to bankruptcy discharge.  Costs subject to bankruptcy discharge.  The bankruptcy does not affect the new rental agreement and the tenant can keep paying rent at the new home. In Massachusetts, bankruptcy can stop evictions for unpaid rent.

Eviction filed before bankruptcy filed

Eviction not presently allowed by a court.  The bankruptcy court can protect tenants. A tenant must move out immediately if the court awards the landlord an eviction.  This is if the tenant has not filed for bankruptcy protection and included the unpaid rent. This applies to Chapter 7 bankruptcy or Chapter 13 bankruptcy.  If a renter is facing possible eviction consider filing bankruptcy before the eviction date to get the bankruptcy court protection.  A tenant with unpaid rent will get more time in the home and allow the renter to search for a new property to rent.

No eviction yet? File bankruptcy then move

If the renter has not paid rent in a while and the tenant needs to file bankruptcy right away the tenant can file bankruptcy and wipe out those unpaid rent amounts.  However the renter is liable for any fees, costs and expenses.  Rent incurred from the day of the bankruptcy filing until the day property owners force tenants to move out.  Unpaid rent is subject to bankruptcy discharge.  The tenant will be responsible for any rent due after the filing of the bankruptcy.

Call us today to schedule a free consultation or visit our websiteBucacci & Simonian


Talk To Us About Your Options:

We always tell potential clients to talk to us first to see if bankruptcy is in their best interest. The consultation is always free. Talk with Attorney Robert Simonian or Attorney Anthony Bucacci in private and in total confidentiality to see if filing bankruptcy in Massachusetts is right for you.

We can almost always come up with a solution to your financial problem. We have filed over 10,000 cases in the past 26 years and there are very few scenarios that we have not seen. We are known for our hard work, diligence, creativity and problem solving abilities. Often we are the bankruptcy attorneys other attorneys come to with difficult cases. Call today to see what we can do for you and what options are available. Often people believe they are the only ones with financial problems and are embarrassed of their situation. This is simply not true and many famous people have had to file for bankruptcy to get a fresh start.

Why Call Bucacci & Simonian:

We are known as one of the best bankruptcy attorneys in Southeastern Massachusetts serving the Bristol County and Plymouth County areas. Please inquire with anyone as to our reputation. Reputation is everything and we are very proud of ours. We have received numerous awards from various agencies and courts including the Bankruptcy Court in Boston, Massachusetts.

Using our knowledge and skill we have had several clients complete their five year Chapter 13 bankruptcy plans where they own their home FREE & CLEAR OF MORTGAGES. We understand how important it is to save clients’ homes from foreclosure, keep their cars from being repossessed and stop creditors from suing them and attaching their wages or attempting to seize their assets. This can be stopped almost instantly and we make every effort to be very available to your clients and can accommodate emergency situations. One of our most famous cases involved saving a clients’s multi-family home.

What to Avoid:

Do not attempt to file for bankruptcy on your own. You can make your situation much, much worse. If the bankruptcy petition is not correct you could lose your home, your car or possessions or you could be asked to file a different kind of bankruptcy where you have to make monthly payments when it could have been avoided. If you are not properly represented a bankruptcy trustee may foreclose on your house, allow your car to be repossessed, seize a tax refund or other assets. You could file under the wrong chapter, apply the wrong exemptions, fail to file all of the necessary forms or not understand the significance of important forms.

Protect Yourself:

Call us today for a free and complete bankruptcy consultation. We can protect you from your creditors and protect your home, cars, jewelry and other assets. Creditors and collection lawyers have a job to do and it may seem that they are heartless and will take anything they can from you. They are represented and you should be too. Call us today. The Federal Bankruptcy Court indicated that seeking the advice of a qualified attorney is strongly recommended.

Fall River MA | New Bedford MA | Raynahm MA | Seekonk MA | Somerset MA | Swansea MA | Taunton MA | Westport MA

Car Loan Payments | Collection Agencies | Common Questions About Filing Bankruptcy | Credit Card Debt | Delinquency Notices | Eviction | Filing Chapter 7 | Filing Chapter 13 | Financial Hardship | Foreclosure | Overdue Bills | Repossession | Sheriff Sale | Student Loan Debt | Tax Liens | Wage Garnishment

Rebuilding Your Credit After Bankruptcy


Rebuilding Your Credit After BankruptcyThe most frequently asked question from our clients is “rebuilding my credit after bankruptcy?”

Chances are, that if you have made the decision to file a bankruptcy, you are at a point where some or all of your debts are behind, you receive collection notices or even law suits. At that point you probably have been making ends meet somehow without using your cards.

When you can’t obtain new credit with high debts you have to do something.  This will prevent a creditor from granting you a new card or a loan unless you take action.  Rebuilding your credit after bankruptcy becomes necessary in order to move forward in life.

You have now made the decision to obtain debt relief by hiring an attorney to file a bankruptcy.  After you can begin rebuilding your credit with a bankruptcy discharge in hand.

Your attorney takes you through the process of filing bankruptcy and then, afterwards, the weight of those collection letters, collection call and law suits is gone.

After bankruptcy, there are many avenues to obtain new credit. First and foremost, when a bankruptcy is filed the person that filed can decide to keep a car with automobile loan or a house and a mortgage.  Secondly, reaffirmation of those debts allows a bankruptcy filer to get on track immediately. Thirdly, the banks will record your mortgage payments to the credit bureaus. Once the attorney discusses reaffirmation of debts advice can be given accordingly.  Attorneys will explain the process.

What if you do not have a car loan or mortgage to reestablish yourself?

Without any debt many credit card companies are willing to grant you a fresh start. Credit card companies offer decent credit limits.  Favorable credit reporting usually increases credit limits and credit offers.  Offers of new credit from credit card companies listed in the bankruptcy often surprise clients and then clients receive new credit.

Open a secured credit card.  As a result, this will help to improve your credit. Deposit money in a bank account that issues you a secured card based upon the amount of your deposit. Lenders report timely payments and payment history to the credit bureaus.

In a short amount of time credit scores will improve.  Lenders and credit card companies will extend credit.

It is not unusual for clients to obtain automobile loan months after bankruptcy.  A mortgage is the most difficult type of credit to obtain after bankruptcy.  Usually one to two years after a bankruptcy you can obtain a mortgage.

These are some techniques to obtain the fresh start you deserve and there are many resources available.


Talk To Us About Your Options:

We always tell potential clients to talk to us first to see if bankruptcy is in their best interest. The consultation is always free. Talk with Attorney Robert Simonian or Attorney Anthony Bucacci in private and in total confidentiality to see if filing bankruptcy in Massachusetts is right for you.

We can almost always come up with a solution to your financial problem and help you in rebuilding credit after bankruptcy. We have filed over 10,000 cases in the past 26 years and there are very few scenarios that we have not seen. We are known for our hard work, diligence, creativity and problem solving abilities. Often we are the bankruptcy attorneys other attorneys come to with difficult cases. Call today to see what we can do for you and what options are available. Often people believe they are the only ones with financial problems and are embarrassed of their situation. This is simply not true and many famous people have had to file for bankruptcy to get a fresh start.

Why Call Bucacci & Simonian:

We are known as one of the best bankruptcy attorneys in Southeastern Massachusetts serving the Bristol County and Plymouth County areas. Please inquire with anyone as to our reputation. Reputation is everything and we are very proud of ours. We have received numerous awards from various agencies and courts including the Bankruptcy Court in Boston, Massachusetts.

Using our knowledge and skill we have had several clients complete their five year Chapter 13 bankruptcy plans where they own their home FREE & CLEAR OF MORTGAGES. We understand how important it is to save clients’ homes from foreclosure, keep their cars from being repossessed and stop creditors from suing them and attaching their wages or attempting to seize their assets. This can be stopped almost instantly and we make every effort to be very available to your clients and can accommodate emergency situations. One of our most famous cases involved saving a clients’s multi-family home.

What to Avoid:

Do not attempt to file for bankruptcy on your own. You can make your situation much, much worse. If the bankruptcy petition is not correct you could lose your home, your car or possessions or you could be asked to file a different kind of bankruptcy where you have to make monthly payments when it could have been avoided. If you are not properly represented a bankruptcy trustee may foreclose on your house, allow your car to be repossessed, seize a tax refund or other assets. You could file under the wrong chapter, apply the wrong exemptions, fail to file all of the necessary forms or not understand the significance of important forms.

Protect Yourself:

Call us today for a free and complete bankruptcy consultation. We can protect you from your creditors and protect your home, cars, jewelry and other assets. Creditors and collection lawyers have a job to do and it may seem that they are heartless and will take anything they can from you. They are represented and you should be too. Call us today. The Federal Bankruptcy Court indicated that seeking the advice of a qualified attorney is strongly recommended.

Fall River MA | New Bedford MA | Raynahm MA | Seekonk MA | Somerset MA | Swansea MA | Taunton MA | Westport MA

Car Loan Payments | Collection Agencies | Common Questions About Filing Bankruptcy | Credit Card Debt | Delinquency Notices | Eviction | Filing Chapter 7 | Filing Chapter 13 | Financial Hardship | Foreclosure | Overdue Bills | Repossession | Sheriff Sale | Student Loan Debt | Tax Liens | Wage Garnishment

Mortgage Relief and Foreclosure Prevention

There will be a great need for mortgage relief and foreclosure prevention in Massachusetts and the entire country.  The CFPB stated today “we are at really an unusual point in history.”  Nobody has ever before seen this many mortgages in forbearance at one time that are expected to exit forbearance all at one time.”

This may be the calm before the storm. If mortgage companies don’t get it right when all these forbearance periods end.

With stimulus money and no federal student loan payments, people have been able to firm up their finances. People are paying off car loans, clearing off credit card debts or other old debt. Many are actually establishing a savings account for the first time in a long while.

What Mortgage Relief and Foreclosure Prevention is Expected

The CFPB hopes to have a plan to prevent a sharp rise in foreclosures this fall.  The present proposal would:

  • Establish a pre-foreclosure review period once forbearance ends
  • Delay the start of any Covid-related foreclosure to 2022
  • Provide mortgage servicers with streamlined loan modification options
  • Revise mortgage servicer communication rules to keep borrowers better informed.

Here is what to know.

The deadline for borrowers affected by Covid-19 to request or extend a forbearance plan is June 30.  This is also the end of a foreclosure moratorium on federally backed mortgages.  For borrowers who are behind in mortgage payments now, it’s imperative to act before June 30 to ask for a 180 day forbearance, and if needed, a second 180 day forbearance.  This will get you a year.  If that isn’t done, then the new CFPB rules would at least block servicers from filing a foreclosure lawsuit until after December 31, 2021.

The new rules if they are approved, will apply to all mortgages, not just those that are federally backed.

Certain fees such as late fees and stop payment fees would be waived.  If a loan modification were to include any catch up payments, servicers will not be allowed to charge extra fees or interest on those payments.  The new rules would be in effect until August 31, 2022 but may not apply to smaller lenders with less than 5,000 loans.

If you have the threat of a foreclosure, you can call us anytime or visit our website for more information.


Talk To Us About Your Options:

We always tell potential clients to talk to us first to see if bankruptcy is in their best interest. The consultation is always free. Talk with Attorney Robert Simonian or Attorney Anthony Bucacci in private and in total confidentiality to see if filing bankruptcy in Massachusetts is right for you.

We can almost always come up with a solution to your financial problem. We have filed over 10,000 cases in the past 26 years and there are very few scenarios that we have not seen. We are known for our hard work, diligence, creativity and problem solving abilities. Often we are the bankruptcy attorneys other attorneys come to with difficult cases. Call today to see what we can do for you and what options are available. Often people believe they are the only ones with financial problems and are embarrassed of their situation. This is simply not true and many famous people have had to file for bankruptcy to get a fresh start.

Why Call Bucacci & Simonian:

We are known as one of the best bankruptcy attorneys in Southeastern Massachusetts serving the Bristol County and Plymouth County areas. We can help you with mortgage foreclosure relief.  Please inquire with anyone as to our reputation. Reputation is everything and we are very proud of ours. We have received numerous awards from various agencies and courts including the Bankruptcy Court in Boston, Massachusetts.

Using our knowledge and skill we have had several clients complete their five year Chapter 13 bankruptcy plans where they own their home FREE & CLEAR OF MORTGAGES. We understand how important it is to save clients’ homes from foreclosure, keep their cars from being repossessed and stop creditors from suing them and attaching their wages or attempting to seize their assets. This can be stopped almost instantly and we make every effort to be very available to your clients and can accommodate emergency situations. One of our most famous cases involved saving a clients’s multi-family home.

What to Avoid:

Do not attempt to file for bankruptcy on your own if you are seeking mortgage foreclosure relief. You can make your situation much, much worse. If the bankruptcy petition is not correct you could lose your home, your car or possessions or you could be asked to file a different kind of bankruptcy where you have to make monthly payments when it could have been avoided. If you are not properly represented a bankruptcy trustee may foreclose on your house, allow your car to be repossessed, seize a tax refund or other assets. You could file under the wrong chapter, apply the wrong exemptions, fail to file all of the necessary forms or not understand the significance of important forms.

Protect Yourself:

Call us today for a free and complete bankruptcy consultation. We can protect you from your creditors and protect your home, cars, jewelry and other assets. Creditors and collection lawyers have a job to do and it may seem that they are heartless and will take anything they can from you. They are represented and you should be too. Call us today. The Federal Bankruptcy Court indicated that seeking the advice of a qualified attorney is strongly recommended.

Fall River MA | New Bedford MA | Raynahm MA | Seekonk MA | Somerset MA | Swansea MA | Taunton MA | Westport MA

Car Loan Payments | Collection Agencies | Common Questions About Filing Bankruptcy | Credit Card Debt | Delinquency Notices | Eviction | Filing Chapter 7 | Filing Chapter 13 | Financial Hardship | Foreclosure | Overdue Bills | Repossession | Sheriff Sale | Student Loan Debt | Tax Liens | Wage Garnishment

Massachusetts Bankruptcy Hearing

You most likely will be asked the following questions by the Bankruptcy Trustee at your Massachusetts Bankruptcy Hearing creditors’ meeting:

  1. State your name
  2. Address where you reside
  3. If you own or rent the property where you reside
  4. You will be shown a document you have signed and you will be asked whether the signature is yours.
  5. You will be asked for a photo ID such as a driver’s license or passport or any government identification and another with your name and social security number on it, such as a medicare card, social security card or W-2 form. You may not use a tax return to prove your social security number.
  6. Have you read the bankruptcy petition and schedules and is everything contained in it true and accurate?
  7. Have you owned any real estate in the past 4 years?
  8. Why did you file bankruptcy? You may be asked why or how you accumulated the debt. The must usual answers are medical issues, loss of a job, loss of income, birth of a child, divorce, or simply an accumulation of debt that you simply can not pay anymore.
  9. Do you presently own any real estate? Has anybody put your name on their home like a parent or child or relative?
  10. You will be shown Schedule B of your petition and asked if the items listed represent all your assets, and if you have any other assets you forgot to list or would like to add.
  11. Does anyone owe you money?
  12. Do you have any personal injury claims or other claims that you could bring against anyone?
  13. Have you injured yourself in an accident in the past 3 years or have you consulted an attorney for any other reason other than bankruptcy in the last 3 years?
  14. Where do you work and do you have income from other sources?
  15. How much do you take home from your job every pay period?
  16. You will be asked about your income whether you receive Disability, Social Security, Workman’s’ compensation and how much.
  17. Will you receive and inheritance from a will or trust in the next 6 months or have you inherited anything in the recent past?
  18. If you have listed any secured debt such as a car loan or a mortgage you may be asked if you are going to keep the car or house.
  19. Did you receive an income tax refund? How much did you receive or will you receive?
  20. Have you given away anything worth $1,000.00 or more to anyone in the past 2 years?
  21. Have you given any money to family members or friends in the last year or repaid any loans to family or friends?

The above is a list of the most common but not necessarily all the questions that will be asked at Massachusetts Bankruptcy Hearing. The most important advice is to answer all questions truthfully, honestly, completely and briefly.

The hearing will be conducted by a lawyer acting as a Trustee on behalf of your creditors.  As your bankruptcy attorney, I will be in sitting with you and you will not be alone as it is usually the most important step in the process.  There are some very informative videos about the entire bankruptcy process.

There usually are no creditors present and the entire matter will take no longer than 5 minutes or so.  We try to send any and all information that would be needed ahead of time so that your hearing goes quickly and smoothly.

Here is a video of a typical bankruptcy hearing:


Talk To Us About Your Options:

We always tell potential clients to talk to us first to see if bankruptcy is in their best interest. The consultation is always free. Talk with Attorney Robert Simonian or Attorney Anthony Bucacci in private and in total confidentiality to see if filing bankruptcy in Massachusetts is right for you.

We can almost always come up with a solution to your financial problem. We have filed over 10,000 cases in the past 26 years and there are very few scenarios that we have not seen. We are known for our hard work, diligence, creativity and problem solving abilities. Often we are the bankruptcy attorneys other attorneys come to with difficult cases. Call today to see what we can do for you and what options are available. Often people believe they are the only ones with financial problems and are embarrassed of their situation. This is simply not true and many famous people have had to file for bankruptcy to get a fresh start.

Why Call Bucacci & Simonian:

We are known as one of the best bankruptcy attorneys in Southeastern Massachusetts serving the Bristol County and Plymouth County areas. Please inquire with anyone as to our reputation. Reputation is everything and we are very proud of ours. We have received numerous awards from various agencies and courts including the Bankruptcy Court in Boston, Massachusetts.  We can prepare you for your Massachusetts bankruptcy hearing

Using our knowledge and skill we have had several clients complete their five year Chapter 13 bankruptcy plans where they own their home FREE & CLEAR OF MORTGAGES. We understand how important it is to save clients’ homes from foreclosure, keep their cars from being repossessed and stop creditors from suing them and attaching their wages or attempting to seize their assets. This can be stopped almost instantly and we make every effort to be very available to your clients and can accommodate emergency situations. One of our most famous cases involved saving a clients’s multi-family home.

What to Avoid:

Do not attempt to file for bankruptcy on your own. You can make your situation much, much worse. If the bankruptcy petition is not correct you could lose your home, your car or possessions or you could be asked to file a different kind of bankruptcy where you have to make monthly payments when it could have been avoided. If you are not properly represented at you Massachusetts bankruptcy hearing a bankruptcy trustee may foreclose on your house, allow your car to be repossessed, seize a tax refund or other assets. You could file under the wrong chapter, apply the wrong exemptions, fail to file all of the necessary forms or not understand the significance of important forms.

Protect Yourself:

Call us today for a free and complete bankruptcy consultation. We can protect you from your creditors and protect your home, cars, jewelry and other assets. Creditors and collection lawyers have a job to do and it may seem that they are heartless and will take anything they can from you. They are represented and you should be too. Call us today. The Federal Bankruptcy Court indicated that seeking the advice of a qualified attorney is strongly recommended.

Fall River MA | New Bedford MA | Raynahm MA | Seekonk MA | Somerset MA | Swansea MA | Taunton MA | Westport MA

Car Loan Payments | Collection Agencies | Common Questions About Filing Bankruptcy | Credit Card Debt | Delinquency Notices | Eviction | Filing Chapter 7 | Filing Chapter 13 | Financial Hardship | Foreclosure | Overdue Bills | Repossession | Sheriff Sale | Student Loan Debt | Tax Liens | Wage Garnishment

Considering Bankruptcy Undecided or Unsure What To Do ?

Talk To Us About Your Options When Considering Bankruptcy :

Are You Considering Bankruptcy Undecided or Unsure What To Do ? We always tell potential clients to talk to us first to see if bankruptcy is in their best interest. The consultation is always free. Talk with Attorney Robert Simonian or Attorney Anthony Bucacci in private and in total confidentiality for expert bankruptcy advice and to see if filing bankruptcy in Massachusetts is the right decision for you.

We can almost always come up with a solution to your financial problem. We have filed over 10,000 cases in the past 26 years and there are very few scenarios that we have not seen. The law firm Bucacci & Simonian is well known for their hard work, diligence, creativity and problem solving abilities. The law firm Bucacci & Simonian are the bankruptcy attorneys other attorneys come to with difficult cases. Call today to see what we can do for you and what options are available. Many are embarrassed about their financial problems and the situation regarding  bankruptcy. This is simply not true and many famous people have had to file for bankruptcy to get a fresh start.

Why Call Bucacci & Simonian When Considering Bankruptcy Filing :

We are known as one of the best bankruptcy attorneys in Southeastern Massachusetts serving the Bristol County and Plymouth County areas. Please inquire with anyone as to our reputation. Reputation is everything and we are very proud of ours. We have received numerous awards from various agencies and courts including the Bankruptcy Court in Boston, Massachusetts.

Using our knowledge and skill we have had several clients complete their five year Chapter 13 bankruptcy plans where they own their home FREE & CLEAR OF MORTGAGES. We understand how important it is to save clients’ homes from foreclosure, keep their cars from being repossessed and stop creditors from suing them and attaching their wages or attempting to seize their assets. This can be stopped almost instantly and we make every effort to be very available to your clients and can accommodate emergency situations. One of our important cases involved saving a client’s multi-family home.

What to Avoid When Filing Bankruptcy :

Do not attempt to file for bankruptcy on your own. You can make your situation much, much worse. If the bankruptcy petition is not correct you could lose your home, your car or possessions or you could be asked to file a different kind of bankruptcy where you have to make monthly payments when it could have been avoided. If you are not properly represented a bankruptcy trustee may foreclose on your house, allow your car to be repossessed, seize a tax refund or other assets. You could file under the wrong chapter, apply the wrong exemptions, fail to file all of the necessary forms or not understand the significance of important forms.

Protect Yourself:

Considering Bankruptcy Undecided or Unsure What To Do ? Call us today for a free and complete bankruptcy consultation. We can protect you from your creditors and protect your home, cars, jewelry and other assets. Creditors and collection lawyers have a job to do and it may seem that they are heartless and will take anything they can from you. They are represented and you should be too. Call us today. The Federal Bankruptcy Court suggests that seeking the advice of a qualified bankruptcy attorney is strongly recommended.


Talk To Us About Your Options:

We always tell potential clients to talk to us first to see if bankruptcy is in their best interest. The consultation is always free. Talk with Attorney Robert Simonian or Attorney Anthony Bucacci in private and in total confidentiality to see if filing bankruptcy in Massachusetts is right for you.

We can almost always come up with a solution to your financial problem. We have filed over 10,000 cases in the past 26 years and there are very few scenarios that we have not seen. We are known for our hard work, diligence, creativity and problem solving abilities. Often we are the bankruptcy attorneys other attorneys come to with difficult cases. Call today to see what we can do for you and what options are available. Often people believe they are the only ones with financial problems and are embarrassed of their situation. This is simply not true and many famous people have had to file for bankruptcy to get a fresh start.

Why Call Bucacci & Simonian:

We are known as one of the best bankruptcy attorneys in Southeastern Massachusetts serving the Bristol County and Plymouth County areas. Please inquire with anyone as to our reputation. Reputation is everything and we are very proud of ours. We have received numerous awards from various agencies and courts including the Bankruptcy Court in Boston, Massachusetts.

Using our knowledge and skill we have had several clients complete their five year Chapter 13 bankruptcy plans where they own their home FREE & CLEAR OF MORTGAGES. We understand how important it is to save clients’ homes from foreclosure, keep their cars from being repossessed and stop creditors from suing them and attaching their wages or attempting to seize their assets. This can be stopped almost instantly and we make every effort to be very available to your clients and can accommodate emergency situations. One of our most famous cases involved saving a clients’s multi-family home.

What to Avoid:

Do not attempt to file for bankruptcy on your own. You can make your situation much, much worse. If the bankruptcy petition is not correct you could lose your home, your car or possessions or you could be asked to file a different kind of bankruptcy where you have to make monthly payments when it could have been avoided. If you are not properly represented a bankruptcy trustee may foreclose on your house, allow your car to be repossessed, seize a tax refund or other assets. You could file under the wrong chapter, apply the wrong exemptions, fail to file all of the necessary forms or not understand the significance of important forms.

Protect Yourself:

Call us today for a free and complete bankruptcy consultation. We can protect you from your creditors and protect your home, cars, jewelry and other assets. Creditors and collection lawyers have a job to do and it may seem that they are heartless and will take anything they can from you. They are represented and you should be too. Call us today. The Federal Bankruptcy Court indicated that seeking the advice of a qualified attorney is strongly recommended.

Fall River MA | New Bedford MA | Raynahm MA | Seekonk MA | Somerset MA | Swansea MA | Taunton MA | Westport MA

Car Loan Payments | Collection Agencies | Common Questions About Filing Bankruptcy | Credit Card Debt | Delinquency Notices | Eviction | Filing Chapter 7 | Filing Chapter 13 | Financial Hardship | Foreclosure | Overdue Bills | Repossession | Sheriff Sale | Student Loan Debt | Tax Liens | Wage Garnishment

Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Bankruptcy Attorney

What Are The Top 10 Questions To Ask Your Bankruptcy Lawyer ?

If you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy, you will want to ask your bankruptcy lawyer a few questions. Before you make a final decision regarding your bankruptcy, it is important to get the answers you need.  Asking a knowledgeable and informed bankruptcy attorney is a good place to start. The top 10 questions to ask your bankruptcy lawyer are listed below.

  • What type of case will I be able to file?

There are two main chapters of consumer cases, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy and a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Both types of cases will reduce or eliminate debt, but there are some differences.  This is the first of the top ten questions to ask your bankruptcy lawyer.

  • How is the chapter of the bankruptcy case I file determined?

There is a complex mathematical computation that must be performed prior to a case being filed by an experienced bankruptcy attorney, and the result of this calculation determines whether you file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy or a Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

  • What are the differences between bankruptcy chapters?

Once you know what chapter you are able to file, you will want to know how that type of case is different from the other.

  • Should I reaffirm a debt?

If you want to keep your house or your car, the lender will probably ask you to sign a reaffirmation agreement. These agreements are like new loans.   You will still be required to make payments after your case is finished.  It is very important that the consequences be explained to you for each individual case.

  • How long will my case take to be filed in court and when will my case be discharged?

Generally, once your chapter 7 case is filed the hearing will be scheduled approximately 4 weeks later and 60 days after the hearing you receive your discharge. From start to finish the whole process for a chapter 7 bankruptcy is approximately 90 days.

  • Can I file a case now if I have filed one in the past?

There are rules on how often you can file and what chapter you can file under, and if you have a previous case you need to know these rules.

  • What is the 341 hearing meeting of creditors?

This is the first time you will go to a hearing and in almost all cases is the only time as long as your attorney has prepared the case properly. We can put you at ease by letting you know exactly what will happen at this hearing.

  • How much does it cost to file a bankruptcy and do you have a payment plan?

Our costs are very competitive and considered low.  We offer payment plans to those who need it.

  • What happens if my chapter 13 case gets dismissed?

If your chapter 13 bankruptcy gets dismissed it is important to call your bankruptcy lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your options.  Delaying could limit your options.

  • Do I get to keep my property if I file bankruptcy, or do I have to return them to the lender?

In almost all cases all of your property and assets are protected and exempt.

We can provide you more details about bankruptcy so you feel comfortable with your choice to file a case.

For help getting out of debt, contact us today at 508-673-9500.  We will prepare for what comes before and after we file your case.


Talk To Us About Your Options:

We always tell potential clients to talk to us first to see if bankruptcy is in their best interest. The consultation is always free. Talk with Attorney Robert Simonian or Attorney Anthony Bucacci in private and in total confidentiality to see if filing bankruptcy in Massachusetts is right for you.

We can almost always come up with a solution to your financial problem. We have filed over 10,000 cases in the past 26 years and there are very few scenarios that we have not seen. We are known for our hard work, diligence, creativity and problem solving abilities. Often we are the bankruptcy attorneys other attorneys come to with difficult cases. Call today to see what we can do for you and what options are available. Often people believe they are the only ones with financial problems and are embarrassed of their situation. This is simply not true and many famous people have had to file for bankruptcy to get a fresh start.

Why Call Bucacci & Simonian:

We are known as one of the best bankruptcy attorneys in Southeastern Massachusetts serving the Bristol County and Plymouth County areas. Please inquire with anyone as to our reputation. Reputation is everything and we are very proud of ours. We have received numerous awards from various agencies and courts including the Bankruptcy Court in Boston, Massachusetts.

Using our knowledge and skill we have had several clients complete their five year Chapter 13 bankruptcy plans where they own their home FREE & CLEAR OF MORTGAGES. We understand how important it is to save clients’ homes from foreclosure, keep their cars from being repossessed and stop creditors from suing them and attaching their wages or attempting to seize their assets. This can be stopped almost instantly and we make every effort to be very available to your clients and can accommodate emergency situations. One of our most famous cases involved saving a clients’s multi-family home.

What to Avoid:

Do not attempt to file for bankruptcy on your own. You can make your situation much, much worse. If the bankruptcy petition is not correct you could lose your home, your car or possessions or you could be asked to file a different kind of bankruptcy where you have to make monthly payments when it could have been avoided. If you are not properly represented a bankruptcy trustee may foreclose on your house, allow your car to be repossessed, seize a tax refund or other assets. You could file under the wrong chapter, apply the wrong exemptions, fail to file all of the necessary forms or not understand the significance of important forms.

Protect Yourself:

Call us today for a free and complete bankruptcy consultation. We can protect you from your creditors and protect your home, cars, jewelry and other assets. Creditors and collection lawyers have a job to do and it may seem that they are heartless and will take anything they can from you. They are represented and you should be too. Call us today. The Federal Bankruptcy Court indicated that seeking the advice of a qualified attorney is strongly recommended.

Fall River MA | New Bedford MA | Raynahm MA | Seekonk MA | Somerset MA | Swansea MA | Taunton MA | Westport MA

Car Loan Payments | Collection Agencies | Common Questions About Filing Bankruptcy | Credit Card Debt | Delinquency Notices | Eviction | Filing Chapter 7 | Filing Chapter 13 | Financial Hardship | Foreclosure | Overdue Bills | Repossession | Sheriff Sale | Student Loan Debt | Tax Liens | Wage Garnishment

Famous people who filed for bankruptcy

There are many famous people who filed for bankruptcy.  Bankruptcy can happen to anyone at any time and it is usually a result of unfortunate life events or you get caught in the trap of your paycheck being used to pay debts and credit cards used to buy necessities. Many famous people who filed for bankruptcy only to become successful afterwards. Your situation does not have to be any different. United States Presidents have had financial trouble.  For inspiration, here are some famous people who filed personal bankruptcy or business bankruptcy and are now in a much, much better place.

If you are experiencing financial difficulties that are bringing you down emotionally and physically, contact bankruptcy attorney Robert Simonian and Anthony Bucacci for a free consultation. It is the first step towards getting a fresh start as the famous people below did.

Movie & television stars: Dino DeLaurentis, Larry King and Ed McMahon.

Authors and Writers: Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde, Robert Kiyosaki and Thomas Paine.

Muscians: Ted Nugent, Jerry Lee Lewis, Tom Petty, Merle Haggard, Cyndi Lauper, Tammy Wynette, M.C. Hammer, Johnny Paycheck, Marvin Gaye, Elton John, Vince Neil, Toni Braxton and David Cross.

Business owners: Henry Ford, H.J. Heinz, P.T. Barnum of Barnum and Charles Goodyear.

Actors and Actresses: Sherman Hemsley, Don Johnson, Kim Basinger, Lynn Redgrave, Mickey Rooney, Randy Quaid, Margot Kidder, Lorenzo Lamas, , Zsa Zsa Gabor, Isaac Hayes, Lorraine Bracco and Redd Foxx.

Athletes: boxers Joe Louis and Leon Spinks, Mike Tyson, Johnny Unitas, Bjorn Borg.

Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses Grant.

Bankruptcy is more and more common. There are many famous people who filed for bankruptcy.  The current uncertain economic times and unemployment, lack of increased income to keep pace with inflation, all give rise to intense economic pressure. Bankruptcy is a very good tool to get a fresh start and get back on track.


Talk To Us About Your Options:

We always tell potential clients to talk to us first to see if bankruptcy is in their best interest. The consultation is always free. Talk with Attorney Robert Simonian or Attorney Anthony Bucacci in private and in total confidentiality to see if filing bankruptcy in Massachusetts is right for you.

We can almost always come up with a solution to your financial problem. We have filed over 10,000 cases in the past 26 years and there are very few scenarios that we have not seen. We are known for our hard work, diligence, creativity and problem solving abilities. Often we are the bankruptcy attorneys other attorneys come to with difficult cases. Call today to see what we can do for you and what options are available. Often people believe they are the only ones with financial problems and are embarrassed of their situation. This is simply not true and many famous people have had to file for bankruptcy to get a fresh start.

Why Call Bucacci & Simonian:

We are known as one of the best bankruptcy attorneys in Southeastern Massachusetts serving the Bristol County and Plymouth County areas. Please inquire with anyone as to our reputation. Reputation is everything and we are very proud of ours. We have received numerous awards from various agencies and courts including the Bankruptcy Court in Boston, Massachusetts.

Using our knowledge and skill we have had several clients complete their five year Chapter 13 bankruptcy plans where they own their home FREE & CLEAR OF MORTGAGES. We understand how important it is to save clients’ homes from foreclosure, keep their cars from being repossessed and stop creditors from suing them and attaching their wages or attempting to seize their assets. This can be stopped almost instantly and we make every effort to be very available to your clients and can accommodate emergency situations. One of our most famous cases involved saving a clients’s multi-family home.

What to Avoid:

Do not attempt to file for bankruptcy on your own. You can make your situation much, much worse. If the bankruptcy petition is not correct you could lose your home, your car or possessions or you could be asked to file a different kind of bankruptcy where you have to make monthly payments when it could have been avoided. If you are not properly represented a bankruptcy trustee may foreclose on your house, allow your car to be repossessed, seize a tax refund or other assets. You could file under the wrong chapter, apply the wrong exemptions, fail to file all of the necessary forms or not understand the significance of important forms.

Protect Yourself:

Call us today for a free and complete bankruptcy consultation. We can protect you from your creditors and protect your home, cars, jewelry and other assets. Creditors and collection lawyers have a job to do and it may seem that they are heartless and will take anything they can from you. They are represented and you should be too. Call us today. The Federal Bankruptcy Court indicated that seeking the advice of a qualified attorney is strongly recommended.

Fall River MA | New Bedford MA | Raynahm MA | Seekonk MA | Somerset MA | Swansea MA | Taunton MA | Westport MA

Car Loan Payments | Collection Agencies | Common Questions About Filing Bankruptcy | Credit Card Debt | Delinquency Notices | Eviction | Filing Chapter 7 | Filing Chapter 13 | Financial Hardship | Foreclosure | Overdue Bills | Repossession | Sheriff Sale | Student Loan Debt | Tax Liens | Wage Garnishment

Common Myths About Filing Bankruptcy In Massachusetts

There are a lot of misunderstandings about filing for bankruptcy.  Credit consolidation companies can mislead people and credit card companies can mislead you so you continue paying high interest payments.  Many people rely on information that was true 25 years ago or from friends who have heard something from someone.  A lot of the information available on the internet is often very, very general and vague that it does not apply to over 95% of the cases and distorts the truth.

The following is a list of beliefs people have about filing bankruptcy that are SIMPLY NOT TRUE:

  • My Credit will be destroyed forever and I will never get credit again.
  • I will lose my house, my car and everything I own.
  • You can only have one automobile if you file bankruptcy.
  • If I have a car loan or a home mortgage I have to give up my car and home.
  • The whole world will know I filed for bankruptcy.
  • If you are married both husband and wife must file for bankruptcy.
  • Only bad people file for bankruptcy.
  • Filing for bankruptcy is too expensive and I can not afford a lawyer.
  • Even if I file bankruptcy I heard you have to pay everything back.
  • It is difficult to file for bankruptcy and they changed the laws to make it difficult.
  • I will never be able to own anything or have money in the bank after filing bankruptcy.
  • You can only file bankruptcy once in your lifetime.
  • You have to have some minimum amount of debt to file bankruptcy.
  • You can not discharge IRS taxes or State taxes in bankruptcy.
  • I will lose all of my future tax refunds.
  • I can be fired or lose my job if I file bankruptcy.

All of the above are common beliefs that people think are true about filing bankruptcy.  They are simply NOT TRUE.  It is important to speak to an experienced bankruptcy attorney for real answers to your questions.  It becomes very difficult to make a decision when you hear all kinds of information from unreliable sources.  We are available to accurately answer your questions and concerns anytime.


Talk To Us About Your Options:

We always tell potential clients to talk to us first to see if bankruptcy is in their best interest. The consultation is always free. Talk with Attorney Robert Simonian or Attorney Anthony Bucacci in private and in total confidentiality to see if filing bankruptcy in Massachusetts is right for you.

We can almost always come up with a solution to your financial problem. We have filed over 10,000 cases in the past 26 years and there are very few scenarios that we have not seen. We are known for our hard work, diligence, creativity and problem solving abilities. Often we are the bankruptcy attorneys other attorneys come to with difficult cases. Call today to see what we can do for you and what options are available. Often people believe they are the only ones with financial problems and are embarrassed of their situation. This is simply not true and many famous people have had to file for bankruptcy to get a fresh start.

Why Call Bucacci & Simonian:

We are known as one of the best bankruptcy attorneys in Southeastern Massachusetts serving the Bristol County and Plymouth County areas. Please inquire with anyone as to our reputation. Reputation is everything and we are very proud of ours. We have received numerous awards from various agencies and courts including the Bankruptcy Court in Boston, Massachusetts.

Using our knowledge and skill we have had several clients complete their five year Chapter 13 bankruptcy plans where they own their home FREE & CLEAR OF MORTGAGES. We understand how important it is to save clients’ homes from foreclosure, keep their cars from being repossessed and stop creditors from suing them and attaching their wages or attempting to seize their assets. This can be stopped almost instantly and we make every effort to be very available to your clients and can accommodate emergency situations. One of our most famous cases involved saving a clients’s multi-family home.

What to Avoid:

Do not attempt to file for bankruptcy on your own. You can make your situation much, much worse. If the bankruptcy petition is not correct you could lose your home, your car or possessions or you could be asked to file a different kind of bankruptcy where you have to make monthly payments when it could have been avoided. If you are not properly represented a bankruptcy trustee may foreclose on your house, allow your car to be repossessed, seize a tax refund or other assets. You could file under the wrong chapter, apply the wrong exemptions, fail to file all of the necessary forms or not understand the significance of important forms.

Protect Yourself:

Call us today for a free and complete bankruptcy consultation. We can protect you from your creditors and protect your home, cars, jewelry and other assets. Creditors and collection lawyers have a job to do and it may seem that they are heartless and will take anything they can from you. They are represented and you should be too. Call us today. The Federal Bankruptcy Court indicated that seeking the advice of a qualified attorney is strongly recommended.

Fall River MA | New Bedford MA | Raynahm MA | Seekonk MA | Somerset MA | Swansea MA | Taunton MA | Westport MA

Car Loan Payments | Collection Agencies | Common Questions About Filing Bankruptcy | Credit Card Debt | Delinquency Notices | Eviction | Filing Chapter 7 | Filing Chapter 13 | Financial Hardship | Foreclosure | Overdue Bills | Repossession | Sheriff Sale | Student Loan Debt | Tax Liens | Wage Garnishment