There will be a great need for mortgage relief and foreclosure prevention in Massachusetts and the entire country. The CFPB stated today “we are at really an unusual point in history.” Nobody has ever before seen this many mortgages in forbearance at one time that are expected to exit forbearance all at one time.”
This may be the calm before the storm. If mortgage companies don’t get it right when all these forbearance periods end.
With stimulus money and no federal student loan payments, people have been able to firm up their finances. People are paying off car loans, clearing off credit card debts or other old debt. Many are actually establishing a savings account for the first time in a long while.
The CFPB hopes to have a plan to prevent a sharp rise in foreclosures this fall. The present proposal would:
The deadline for borrowers affected by Covid-19 to request or extend a forbearance plan is June 30. This is also the end of a foreclosure moratorium on federally backed mortgages. For borrowers who are behind in mortgage payments now, it’s imperative to act before June 30 to ask for a 180 day forbearance, and if needed, a second 180 day forbearance. This will get you a year. If that isn’t done, then the new CFPB rules would at least block servicers from filing a foreclosure lawsuit until after December 31, 2021.
The new rules if they are approved, will apply to all mortgages, not just those that are federally backed.
Certain fees such as late fees and stop payment fees would be waived. If a loan modification were to include any catch up payments, servicers will not be allowed to charge extra fees or interest on those payments. The new rules would be in effect until August 31, 2022 but may not apply to smaller lenders with less than 5,000 loans.
If you have the threat of a foreclosure, you can call us anytime or visit our website for more information.
We always tell potential clients to talk to us first to see if bankruptcy is in their best interest. The consultation is always free. Talk with Attorney Robert Simonian or Attorney Anthony Bucacci in private and in total confidentiality to see if filing bankruptcy in Massachusetts is right for you.
We can almost always come up with a solution to your financial problem. We have filed over 10,000 cases in the past 26 years and there are very few scenarios that we have not seen. We are known for our hard work, diligence, creativity and problem solving abilities. Often we are the bankruptcy attorneys other attorneys come to with difficult cases. Call today to see what we can do for you and what options are available. Often people believe they are the only ones with financial problems and are embarrassed of their situation. This is simply not true and many famous people have had to file for bankruptcy to get a fresh start.
We are known as one of the best bankruptcy attorneys in Southeastern Massachusetts serving the Bristol County and Plymouth County areas. We can help you with mortgage foreclosure relief. Please inquire with anyone as to our reputation. Reputation is everything and we are very proud of ours. We have received numerous awards from various agencies and courts including the Bankruptcy Court in Boston, Massachusetts.
Using our knowledge and skill we have had several clients complete their five year Chapter 13 bankruptcy plans where they own their home FREE & CLEAR OF MORTGAGES. We understand how important it is to save clients’ homes from foreclosure, keep their cars from being repossessed and stop creditors from suing them and attaching their wages or attempting to seize their assets. This can be stopped almost instantly and we make every effort to be very available to your clients and can accommodate emergency situations. One of our most famous cases involved saving a clients’s multi-family home.
Do not attempt to file for bankruptcy on your own if you are seeking mortgage foreclosure relief. You can make your situation much, much worse. If the bankruptcy petition is not correct you could lose your home, your car or possessions or you could be asked to file a different kind of bankruptcy where you have to make monthly payments when it could have been avoided. If you are not properly represented a bankruptcy trustee may foreclose on your house, allow your car to be repossessed, seize a tax refund or other assets. You could file under the wrong chapter, apply the wrong exemptions, fail to file all of the necessary forms or not understand the significance of important forms.
Call us today for a free and complete bankruptcy consultation. We can protect you from your creditors and protect your home, cars, jewelry and other assets. Creditors and collection lawyers have a job to do and it may seem that they are heartless and will take anything they can from you. They are represented and you should be too. Call us today. The Federal Bankruptcy Court indicated that seeking the advice of a qualified attorney is strongly recommended.
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Car Loan Payments | Collection Agencies | Common Questions About Filing Bankruptcy | Credit Card Debt | Delinquency Notices | Eviction | Filing Chapter 7 | Filing Chapter 13 | Financial Hardship | Foreclosure | Overdue Bills | Repossession | Sheriff Sale | Student Loan Debt | Tax Liens | Wage Garnishment